Elite Farms, Fruits, Produce

Seasonal Spotlight: Strawberry Season 101

Summer’s bountiful harvest is all around us and one of nature’s greatest gift is the strawberry. As the most cultivated berry in the nation, the strawberry is available as a farm fresh product in every state. With more than 600 varieties of this venerable fruit grown in the U.S., there is a strawberry for every taste and preference. Boasting healthy doses of vitamin C and other powerful antioxidants, strawberries are the perfect summertime treat. Here are a few tips on how to make the most out of strawberry season:

CHOOSING: When selecting strawberries, choose varieties that look plump and firm. The brighter berries will have the freshest and deepest taste. Running the strawberry through a smell test is an easy and effective way to ensure that you are choosing the freshest and juiciest strawberries. Also consider the variety and which season they perform best during. Earliglows are a great tart spring strawberry while Allstars are a heartier berry with a bit longer growing season.

WASHING: While you may be tempted to take your fresh picked strawberries straight to the sink, don’t wash the strawberries until are you are ready to eat them. Doing so will dry the berries out and dilute the flavor. The best way to clean the strawberries is to place them in a colander under running cold water, following this with a gentle pat dry with a clean towel.

HULLING: Because the green tops of the strawberries are not edible, special care must be taken to remove this inedible portion. The easiest way to do this is with a specially-designed strawberry huller. However, the task can also be finished with a simple knife. Place the tip of the knife into the base of the strawberry cap and gently turn until the green cap and white fleshy core pops right out of the berry.

FREEZING: Freezing any leftover strawberries is an ideal way to preserve the fresh summer flavor of these delectables. After hulling the berries, lay them flat on a baking sheet and then freeze overnight. Store them in a freezer in an airtight freezer bag until ready to use. When properly stored, frozen strawberries will keep fresh for up to one year.

SERVING IDEAS: Strawberries can be consumed plain or in a variety of dishes. Some ideas include using strawberries in salads, as the starring ingredient in pies and muffins, over shortcake with whipped cream, in smoothies, or as part of a fun summer cocktail such as a fruity sangria. Check out some fun recipes from BonAppetit.com here.